Once your Mendabath technician has completed the restoration of your bath, shower or basin, they will spend time with you going over the cleaning and aftercare instructions. They will explain to you how to clean your sanitary-ware, keeping it in tip top condition and will also leave a handy card for you to refer back to with cleaning tips on it.
Your resurfaced and restored sanitary ware will give you years of service however you need to clean and look after the surface to benefit from the longevity of our coatings. We recommend that you avoid products and cleaners which have either or both high chemical and/or colourants concentrations. Such products are likely to damage a resurfaced bath. Your newly resurfaced sanitary ware is most susceptible to damage within the first 30 days.
Bubbles baths, bath bombs and bath oils, are an ideal way to relax and unwind. Lying in pink water surrounded by flower petals sounds heavenly; however such products are likely to affect the colour of your bath. We would recommend you avoid such products or make sure you stick to neutral and white varieties of bath products, they will have a lovely smell however no strong colourant. If you do these types of products, don’t leave the water in the bath for extended periods of time, and once the bath has emptied give it a good clean and dry.
Drain cleaners, grout cleaners and lime scale removers are by far the biggest culprits when it comes to damaging any sanitary wear be it original or resurfaced. Be careful when using these products. Never allow these products to sit on the surface of your sanitary ware as they will all damage the surface.
If your bath has dripping taps, we recommend you fix these before your bath is resurfaced. Our guarantees do not extend to damage caused by dripping taps, and all dripping taps will eventually damage any bath resurfaced or original.
Bath mats and toys with suction pads are likely to damage a resurfaced bath, particularly if they are left attached to the surface for extended periods of time. We advise that these products are removed after each use, and the surface meticulously dried.
When it comes to cleaning your sanitary wear, stick to soft cleaners and a large non-abrasive sponge. Avoid acidic or alkaline cleaners. Non coloured PH neutral cleaners are best. Our recommendations for cleaning your sanitary wear are diluted washing up liquid or the Mendabath cleaner in a spray bottle, with a microfiber cloth and soft sponge. You can add a cap full of white vinegar if you are in a high limescale are and can also use a cream cleaner for your monthly deep clean.